Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ayn Rand on Socialized Medicine

The left hates Ayn Rand. Mostly because she’s right, and she tells the truth about their scams and schemes, even before they concoct them. She has LIVED under a socialist/communist regime and couldn’t get away fast enough. She has written many “tomes” about her philosophy, Objectivism, most of which I can’t read because they are paralyzingly boring. She tends to repeat herself a lot. But not in her fiction stories, which, while a bit “dated” now, still do a good job of showing the end result of what is happening NOW in our lives while telling a fascinating fiction story. I once asked, “What is happening NOW that is similar to what happened in her fictional world?” But after learning about objectivist philosophy and “paying attention to politics” for a while, I now can see the answer to my earlier question, and so can you if you pay attention only to what she is telling you. (Atlasphere/Eroka Holzer)

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