Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Profit vs. No Profit

Obama speaks glibly about your ability to keep your health insurance under his health care swindle, but he doesn’t mention that private companies need to make a PROFIT to stay in business. The government does NOT. Therefore there is NO “level playing field” and private companies will soon be out of business and what will be left? The government plan. This is all part of Obama’s plan, though he will deny it to his dying day. He wants you to THINK you will be able to keep your own insurance and your doctor, when you won’t, in the long ruin. It’s set up to put them out of business and force them to go to work for the government, in the long run, for a lot less money. This will, of course, cause a serious shortage of competent doctors in a few years, as people go into other professions (like law) where they can make money. (Just common sense)

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