Saturday, July 18, 2009

AlGore Stifles Debate

He has made a statement saying, in effect, “the debate is over; there will be no more debate on climate change” (They don’t call it ”global warming” any more because the globe ISN’T “warming” any more) in a blatant attempt to WIN the debate without having to argue a losing position. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more blatant con that has worked so well. What a pompous jerk he is! He has attempted to do this before and it hasn’t worked. But governments all over the world are “buying” his massive swindle because he has been repeating this lie for so long it has “become truth.” There’s not a single iota of PROOF of his thesis, but he insists on continuing to push it and it has made him a Nobel Laureate and a multi-millionaire, maybe a BILLIONAIRE. (Just common sense)

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