Thursday, June 11, 2009

War? What War?

Our new president, Barack Hussein Obama, doesn’t think we are “at war” with Islamic terrorists. He is now calling it a “man-caused disaster” or something equally as insipid and stupid. He still thinks Iraq was “an unnecessary war” and “not part of the war on terror.” This is a term he refuses to use any more, and has so advised (ordered) the liberal media not to use. He might begin to believe it when an Islamic terrorist puts a bullet in him (or blows him to flinders) the next time he visits the Middle East (or even while he is in the White House). How one man could be so ignorant and still gain the presidency is still beyond me (He was elected by those who "pay no attention to politics" and therefore know nothing about him). He worries more over how we “treat” the Islamic terrorists we have captured than how THEY treat their captives. We “play silly little games” with them while they BEHEAD us. I hope we survive his presidency and that his admirers come to their senses sooner, rather than later. (Just common sense)

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