Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lyting Accusations

This is only ONE of the lying accusations being made about Alaska Governor Sarah Palin: “Blogger Geoffrey Dunn, who is writing a book about Palin, accused the former Republican vice presidential candidate of lifting phrases and ideas at length from an article Gingrich co-wrote in 2005.” Only problem is, Palin plainly told her audience where the quotes came from, and Newt has no problem with her use of his material. He wishes more people would do it. This is typical of the kind of baseless accusations you will find in the “Huffington Post” and other liberal blogs. It is the kind of thing the liberals commonly use to attack ANY conservative that frightens them, as Sarah does. If she runs in 2012, especially if Bobby Jindal as her running mate, she’ll win in a landslide. That’s what frightens them so much. Reagan proved that a CONSERVATIVE who RUNS as a “conservative (not as ‘liberal-lite’),” will win in a landslide every time. They know it, though they’ll never ADMIT it, so she frightens them and makes them wet their pants. This guy only made this post to get publicity for his lying book while hoping to hurt Sarah.(News Max)

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