Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Richest Poor in the World

Liberals constantly talk about "the poor" in America. But the “poor” in other countries wish they were as “poor” as American poor. “Poor” Americans have more things than the “poor” in any other country. 46% own their own homes; 73% have a car or truck; 31% have TWO; 80% of their homes are air conditioned. Most have refrigerators, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers and garbage disposals, microwaves, etc. 97% have a color TV and 55% have TWO; 63% have cable or satellite TV with large screen TV. They have many other things the world’s “poor” DREAM of having, yet the liberals still call them “poor.” I’m not poor, but I don’t have many of those things. It’s all a liberal (Democrat) scam. “Poor” is a state of mind. When you just temporarily are short of money, you’re not “poor,” you’re just broke. Obama campaigned on the “poor problem,” but it’s an imaginary problem. Yes, there IS “the homeless problem.” But most of them are homeless because they are either unemployable or just won’t work. They’d rather stand on a corner 14 hours a day in all kinds of weather and beg, rather than work for 7-11 at $8 or $9 an hour, which they think is “beneath them.” But begging is apparently not. (Heritage Foundation, the U. S. Census Bureau, and the Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration)

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