Tuesday, July 21, 2020

"To Hell In A Handbasket!"

That’s where this country is going, and it is Dumbocrat politicians who are allowing it. In NYC DiBlasio is letting criminals go while further limiting the ability of HONEST people to have guns with which to defend themselves against the plague of crime that’s coming. Murder is up more than 200% in NYC and he spends thousands of dollars to spitefully paint “Black Lives Matter” on the street in front of the president’s NYC headquarters. In another place permission for a patriotic mural is refused while permission is granted for “Black Lives Matter” mural. The drumbeat to “defund the police” or “disband the police” altogether is gaining strength among the criminals and Islamic terrorists who would benefit most from it. They see a possibility it may hap lpen and they will be “turned loose” to victimize the law-abiding. The law breakers never have a minute’s trouble getting their hands on the guns they use to plague us, while honest people, if they continue to obey the laws, do NOT, and are thus unarmed and defenseless when the law breakers come to victimize them. (Just common sense)

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