Thursday, April 2, 2020

Paid Anti-Gun Demo

In Portland, Oregon—the capital of “gun control,” they had a “massive spontaneous student demonstration” against guns. Only thing is—it wasn’t “spontaneous.” The Portland School District either PAID students to demonstrate, and/or gave them time off from school to do so while physically ORGANIZING all the “demonstrations.” I wonder how many of the students are REALLY “against guns,” or are participating because they got paid, and/or got time off from school? Frankly, I don’t trust anything the politicians in this state do. Remember, this is the state that registered UNDERAGE people to vote. They called it “pre-registration.” It’s also the state where the very first city in the country set their minimum wage at $15.00 an hour, for people with NO experience, that needed extensive training to do ANY job, so they could make as much as other people who DID train for their job. And thus RUINED many industries, and made many “entry-level jobs” disappear, to the detriment of the part-time student employee crowd, as well as the owners of the affected businesses (all of them). Today, I don’t trust ANY demonstration, anywhere, because I know the Dumocrats use PAID demonstrations all the time, and pay for the buses that get them there. They learned that technique from the Russians. (Victoria Taft)

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