Thursday, February 27, 2020

Stop Appointing Gun-Grabbers!

The only way we’re ever going to be able to whip the anti-gun fools is to stop electing and appointing anti-gun fools to important offices. The more anti-gun fool senators and representatives we have, the more stupid anti-gun laws we will have to fight. Trump’s new Attorney General appointee has supported many anti-gun measures in the past, which indicates that he will support many more in the future. So who needs him? There is not a SINGLE anti-gun law now on the books that has done a SINGLE thing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” so what the hell GOOD are they? They ARE good for making the law-abiding easier victims for CRIMINALS, who are known to ignore laws they don’t like. One of the worst of those laws is the one mandating “gun-free zones.” Those are an “engraved invitation” to criminals and other miscreants to “come in and kill somebody.” That’s because the law-abiding don’t bring their guns, according to the law. So they will be defenseless in the face of your illegally-owned, and carried guns. Criminals SEEK OUT “gun-free zones” for this reason, because they don’t want to get shot, themselves. (Gun Owners)

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