Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Dictatorial--and They're Stupid

Kamala Harris, one of many Dumocrat presidential candidates is really stupid. I think that’s a requirement. She thinks she can ban private gun sales by executive action when (IF) she becomes president. Fortunately, that ain’t never gonna happen. She’s no more likely to become president than I am, and I’m not even running. These stupid Dumocrats have a strange idea of what the executive orders are for, and what they can do. Executive Orders ONLY tell government employees and entities what they can do, and are supposed to do. They are NOT laws, and do not apply to anybody outside of government. They will never realize this. They’re not smart enough. It’s almost as if the Dumocrats don’t WANT to win the election. They constantly come out with things like, “We’re gonna raise your taxes!” Or “We’re gonna take your guns!” Or “we’re gonna let MEN into women’s restrooms and you can’t do anything about it, or we’ll call you names!” They say there are more than two sexes, even though that is biologically impossible, and, just because they say it, we’re supposed to believe it, or they call us names. Why these fools think they will have dictatorial powers as president is beyond me. I’m not that stupid. (Breitbart)

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