Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Lack of Intelligence

There is only one reason anybody with any intelligence at all would embrace, or promote socialism, that is that they want to fleece the nation under the guise of legality. So I have to believe there is an ulterior motive in all those Dumocrats preaching socialism after years of denying it. Bernie Sanders is not stupid. Neither is AOC (although I have my doubts about her). Nor are the other multitudes of Dumocrats who have “come out” as socialists for the 2020 elections. They really think that will get them elected, and they may be right if there are enough voters who want to live at the expense of others rather than do for themselves. But I refuse to believe there are enough of them to get a Dumocrat elected if enough people who believe in the free market also come out to vote. Socialism produces NOTHING. It merely takes that produced by the producers of new wealth, and gives it, unearned, to those who wish to live at the expense of others. Their very motto reveals it: “FROM each according to his ABILITY, and TO each according to his NEED.” Making need a DEMAND upon the earnings of others. This is THEFT under the guise of legality and will lead to the downfall of this country. The free market is what built this country, and made it “the destination of choice” for the millions who want to better themselves. The “circus” at our southern border is ample proof of that. So why in hell would we change that? (Just common sense)

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