Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"Just Call It Racism"

The Dumocrats are very predictable. They have no cogent arguments in answer to our questions. They can’t argue on the issues because they have no real solutions. So they just call us racists. So whenever you hear the racist whine from a Dumocrat, you know they cannot answer factually, so they cry racism, hoping that will shut us up. Well, that isn’t going to work much longer. America is coming to realize what their racism claims mean, and the very term racism has come to have no meaning. Calling someone a racist when you can’t answer their charges with facts is getting old. So old, in fact, that it has cobwebs on it. America is getting so tired of hearing the “racist” claim that they are now ignoring it. It’s as if the Dumocrats have not spoken, at all. In Baltimore, the city is a mess. There are rats running all over the place. There is junk all over the place. Bugs are running all over. Dumocrat Rep. Rep. Elija Cummings has promised, many times, to “Clean Baltimore up.” Obama pumped billions into Baltimore and the money disappeared as if down a rat hole. Somebody stole it. So when President Trump called the nation’s attention to the conditions in Baltimore, Dumocrats cried “racism” because Cummings is black. Trump doesn’t give a damn what color Cummings is. He can be black, white, yellow, red, or purple with yellow polka-dots and it would make no difference. Facts are facts, and Cummings can’t answer them. So out comes the racist whine. It’s absolutely predictable. (Clash Daily)

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