Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Actions & Consequences

Liberals criticized Brett Kavanaugh for getting mad, after they had “raked him over the coals” for something that probably never happened when he was a teenager. Actions have consequences. You can’t do that to a man without pissing him off. I think his reaction to the committee was quite reasoned. Most human beings would have “gone off” a lot more than that. I certainly would have. I’d have been jumping up and down on their desks, leaving my footprints on their papers. You just can’t libel a man without making him mad. And a judge is still a man, and this is not a court proceeding, requiring a “completely reasoned response.” It is his personal and professional life that is being libeled. Not someone else’s. If he hadn’t been confirmed, it would be, as now Justice Thomas put it, the biggest “virtual lynching” in the history of lynching. He had every right to be angry, judge or not. I think he has held up very well under the onslaught of lies and innuendo, with no kind of proof of ANY wrongdoing. He has proven himself to be exactly what we need on the Court. And fortunately, the libel didn't work, any better than it did with now Justice Thomas. (Just common sense)

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