Thursday, February 22, 2018

Constitutional Enforcement

We need to establish an organization charged with enforcing the Constitution. This will not apply to the citizens. It will apply to the POLITICIANS who knowingly pass unconstitutional laws and enforce them until DECLARED unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, or even a lesser court. The problem now is that the Founders screwed up. They thought just the fact that unconstitutional laws could be nullified by the courts, that that was enough. It is NOT. And the damage to reputations, businesses, and LIVES done by those unconstitutional laws remains long after they are declared unconstitutional because unconstitutional laws can be enforced for YEARS until the courts move--and the courts are notoriously slow in doing their job. So many people and institutions can suffer greatly BEFORE the unconstitutional laws are declared so. So we need somebody to move in and STOP the enforcement of known unconstitutional laws and PUNISH the POLITICIANS who pass them. The only reason they insist on passing them is they know they will not be punished for doing so, and they can create all the havoc they wish in the interim between passage and reversal. Then they can pass ANOTHER unconstitutional law that does much the same thing with "cosmetic differences,", and enforce it until reversed--and again, and again. California is an outstanding place where such action is required. (71/Republic)

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