Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Not Right or Left

Politicians and others love to say politics is a matter of "right or left." What they mean by that, I don't know. What I DO know is that, on the left is totalitarian government, usually brought on by collectivism (socialism, communism, etc.) A form of government that relies on total power over the populace, While on the "right," you find freedom, the free market, the right of the INDIVIDUAL to make his/her own decisions, not encumbered by the decisions made by nameless, faceless bureaucrats appointed by elected politicians who think THEY know best, and we know nothing. Each person is BORN with certain rights, by right of BIRTH.

The Founders called these "inalienable rights," or "God-given rights." Whether or not you are a religious person, those rights belong to each and every INDIVIDUAL who is born. Basic of these is the right to make your OWN decisions, and have them stick. If that includes the ownership and use of a gun for self defense, you have that right, too. Unencumbered. Yet lawmakers work HARD to "encumber" that right and CONTROL you, and the decisions you make. The government does NOT have the right to tax you unmercifully to pay for the giveaway programs they propose, which are basically collectivism. If this is "left and right," I'm on rhe right, forever and ever. (Just common sense)

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