Friday, September 4, 2015

It's A Disgrace!

Obama brags about his “low unemployment numbers,” but that's a LIE, based on NOT COUNTING people who have GIVEN UP on ever finding a job and have thus “left the labor force.” If these people were counted, the numbers would be upwards of 15%—or MORE (15%!). In fact, there are 94 MILLION, 34 THOUSAND people out of work (94, 34,000!). The “labor participation rate” is at a 38-year LOW for the last THREE MONTHS. That's unconscionable, especially with Obama claiming numbers somewhere around 5%, FALSELY (But it's Obama, so what can we expect?). Of course, those people ARE eating regularly, but they're DEPENDENT upon his GOVERNMENT handouts to do so. Which means they must vote the way he wants in order to keep the welfare coming. And that's his PLAN. The more people he can make dependent on him and his, the fewer dead people he has to make vote in the next election to keep the power for his party. (CNS News)

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