Saturday, August 22, 2015

"Anchor Babies"

Liberals are trying to get us to quit using the term, “anchor babies” (they want us to use “anchor fetuses” or "viable tissue" which means still warm baby parts) because it's too descriptive and they're afraid using it will cause real problems for Planned Parenthood in their baby murdering and organ selling operation. They're using the usual “political correctness” crap, and declaring the term “racist,” as usual. That scam came from Obama's practice of calling ANY criticism of his actions and policies “racism,” so as to squelch ANY criticism. Use of this term is NOT racism, and to believe it is is stupid. As for me, I don't believe in “political correctness,” and I “calls 'em as I sees 'em. I use the words I feel are appropriate, and the “PC police" can go sit on an arrow or a cactus, as far as I am concerned. Nobody has the right to dictate to me what words I can use, and I will not allow it. “Political correctness” is a way of CENSORING people's words in order to make winning arguments easier for liberals, who can't win them if they're forced to use REAL words. (CNN)

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