Thursday, June 25, 2015

Was It Terrorism?

Obama has a habit of refusing to label terrorist acts as what they are: terrorism. But in this case, he would be absolutely right: it ISN'T terrorism. It's RACISM. It is a direct result of all the racist rhetoric he and his cronies have been spouting. The shooter made that clear when he said, “You people raped my people and took our jobs, and I'm going to kill a few of you.” That's not a completely accurate repeat of what he said, but it's close enough to get his racist ideas across. He killed those people because they were BLACK. No other reason. Words have consequences. And these deaths are the consequence of Obama's words. In Ferguson, MO, his words (and some of George Soros' money) touched off real riots that ruined a lot of people and hurt even more. Somebody needs to shut Obama up (no, not by killing him) before he succeeds in starting the race war he so badly wants, and gets a lot more people killed. (American Thinker)

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