Monday, October 6, 2014

A Symptom of Rot

A symptom of the ROT to which this country is undergoing is a former death row inmate, sentenced to death (and resentenced after liberal fools “bought” his claims to having been racially victimized), being allowed to speak to a group of students and blow his bullsh-t to them. Mumia Abu-Jamal (his Muslim name) murdered a law officer and should not ever be allowed out of his “hidey-hole” in prison (where he should be left to rot, unheard by human beings), but fool “officials” have allowed him to be described as “an award-winning journalist who chronicles the human condition.” But what he really is, is a bloody murderer and con man who has conned many people into believing he has been victimized by “the system.” It’s a load of BS, but the people who buy it are too stupid to know it. This is but further evidence of the ROT that is built into the liberal system, and which will result in the destruction of everything we hold dear in life if allowed to continue. This guy should have been shot to death when he was caught. (Mail News)

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