Friday, September 5, 2014

Really Stupid Americans!

Or are they Americans? In Orlando, FL, people are marching in the streets “in support” of our enemies--what? That’s right: they’re marching in support of HEZBOLLA, which has been officially declared a terrorist group by our own government. And they’re “marching in support” of them. It is people like this who make it difficult, if not impossible, to effectively fight our enemies by SUPPORTING them in public. Would we have allowed people to march in support of the Nazis or Japanese during WWII? This organization has been DECLARED subversive. So why aren’t these people arrested, en masse? Because our government is too wimpy, being led by the “wimp-in-chief,” Barack Obama. Are they Americans? I doubt it. I think they are “Palestinian-Americans,” which translated, means, “Palestinians PRETENDING to be Americans.” They, along with the people they support, are our ENEMIES and should be “dealt with.” Would any Islamic government stand for an “American support” parade? (Freedom Outpost)

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