Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Elections A Nuisance"

 That’s how many politicians (mostly) look at them. They have to constantly raise money for them, and that takes time away from “governing.” That might be okay if they really “governed.” But elections ARE necessary as a means for us to add our voice to those saying what should happen and be able to FIRE a politician who doesn’t do what we wish. It’s mostly those “elitist” politicians who feel that way. They think  being in power is their right; that they should be allowed to just “rule us” without having to worry about keeping their jobs. But it doesn’t work that way in America. Each person has that cherished possession, the vote. And if a politician displeases us enough, we CAN “fire” him/her. They’d like to be free of that, which is an UN-American wish. (Rush Limbaugh)

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