Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Constitution Class

There needs to be a CLASS on the Constitution for lawmakers at all levels. Most of their efforts today involve making UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws. It seems almost as if none of these lawmakers have any idea of what’s FORBIDDEN by the Constitution, which is the BASIS for ALL of our laws. The unfortunate thing is, most of them are fully aware of what’s in that august document. They just IGNORE it in their lawmaking efforts. Like Obama, who is supposed to have been a “constitutional scholar” and who ignores it on a daily basis. It is a major FAILURE of the Founders that NO PENALTY for ignoring the Constitution in making laws was included. This leaves dishonest politicians free to violate it at will without fear of punishment, of any kind. We need to add another amendment PROVIDING for a stiff penalty for even introducing a bill that is an unconstitutional law, once made. (Just common sense)

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