Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Logic Is Not Liberal

More proof that liberals have no idea what logic is, is a new 4th grade textbook that says, “White voters will never elect a president.” Wait a minute! They did! How did THAT happen if we’re so racist as a nation? Unfortunately, the one they DID elect is one of the STUPID ones. Maybe that’s because he’s only HALF black. Racist would say the smart side is the white side. But I say BOTH sides of Barack Obama are stupid because he thinks collectivism (socialism, communism, etc.) is the way to go. I’d like to get rid of this fool and replace him with somebody like Allen West. Oh, right! West is black, too. So as a racist, I should hate him. Logic has not ever been present in the thinking of a liberal, and this is further proof of it. They even deny the very EXISTENCE of logic. (Freedom Outpost)

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