Sunday, September 22, 2013

These Are Muslim Extremists

Just after Obama’s trip to Africa, a Muslim group attacked a busload of CHILDREN, killing 29, plus one teacher, and BURNING some of them. These are the kind of people Obama SUPPORTS. They’re adamantly AGAINST schooling for children, especially for women. They think if the children remain ignorant, they will accept Islam. Only ignorant people accept Islam as a religion, and that has been proven, time and time again. These are the people who so “jealously guard: their “right” to respect. I don’t think people like this have a “right” to ANYTHING except a bullet to the brain. When are people going to wake up to this MONSTER they put in office? AFTER he has taken us from freedom to slavery? This is exactly how HITLER took over in Germany after being "democratically elected." I don't know why "intelligent" people can't see that and DO something about it. (Freedom Outlook)

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