Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Am I "Tilting At Windmills?"

I write, day after day, to reveal the secrets our pro-socialist (communist, Fascist, Progressivist) government doesn’t want us to know. They don’t even know I exist (Of course, they do, but they don’t count me as important enough to do anything about—yet). They just go on with their depredations, as if I didn’t exist. They do the same with people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and others who get to many more people than I do. It seems like what I, and others do, has NO EFFECT on the progress they make in remaking this country in the Soviet communist image. I’m getting old and tired. It takes more and more out of me to keep “ticky-tacking” at this computer, trying to let you know what your government is doing to you and what your media is keeping from you. It’s not as if I have no material. I have more material than I can ever find the energy to write down. But I’m losing my confidence in the power of truth. Is what I’m doing making ANY difference? I begin to wonder, but I can’t stop, until I am physically UNABLE to continue, which isn’t that far away. (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club. The obama administration does not listen to any of us. You are not alone. I keep writing my representatives demanding that they represent We The People rather than their own personal opinions, which is what we elected them to do in the first place. I recently called one of my Senators (a Democrat) a traitor because his response to me was basically that he is in support of HIS opinion on gun control. I don't care how high and important he thinks he is, he is MY EMPLOYEE. I pointed that out to him, demanding that he do the job he was elected to do and represent We The People! More people need to do this.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: And I appreciate you "being with me." But is it making any difference? When you told your Senator he was your employee did he laugh out loud or just hang up on you?

Anonymous said...

He was "insulted", much like feinstein's feigned insult when asked a direct question and she scolded the questioner and lectured him on her 20 years in politics (like that is a good thing) and never answered the question. She avoided the answer and stalled. They are all just biding their time and in the meantime stalling us, ignoring us, belittling us, until they have their agenda to where we can no longer do anything about it. The time is fast approaching, too. I think it will be a very bloody civil war. The fall of the US will be very ugly. Then obama will be dictator for life.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: That's their "modus operandi." do something to take our attention off the fact that they didn't answer the question. Be insulted or call us "Racist" or "bigot" and give us hell while ignoring the question they can't answer. One time I asked former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb what made him think a CRIMINAL, who doesn't OBEY laws, will obey one that says he can't be armed?" He called me a "gun lover" and walked away without answering the question.

Anonymous said...

I would have hollered "America hater" after him.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Like that would have done any good.