Sunday, December 16, 2012

"It Didn't Work, Let's Do It Again!"

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is a DEFINITION of insanity. So General Motors, now run by Obama’s government, is coming out with a new electric car, even though nobody wanted the Chevy Volt and they’ve shut down the plant that made them (until Obama orders it open again in spite of lack of customers). This new one isn’t a “hybrid” with a backup gasoline engine. When it runs out of power, the driver is just out of luck and had better be close to a plug. Oh, yeah, Obama “saved” the auto industry all right! He keeps pumping money into it so it LOOKS like it’s doing better. Watch out, folks! We’ll soon be the “Union of Soviet Socialist America.” That’s what Obama is going after. (Chevy Spark)


Anonymous said...

The link you posted is for the current Chevy Spark which is a gas powered vehicle. You apparently didn't even bother to look at the web page.

The electric version is targeted for the 2014 model year. I don't think Chevy even has a web page up for it yet.

Anonymous said...

I was wrong. Chevy does have a page for the ev version.

Ray Thomas said...

It doesn't matter. the Volt failed, so they're doing it again. Insanity described.