Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's The Socialism, Stupid!

No, not you. Obama. He’s moaning about this country “losing its will.” Yet he’s promoting the very thing that will CAUSE us to “lose our will to produce”: taking away the fruits of our labors as socialism does. During his (I think) “ill-fated” first run for president, he (famously) told one man, “Joe The Plumber,” that we needed to “spread the wealth around.” That should have been a clear warning that he wanted to impose collectivism (socialism) on us. He should have been rejected, not elected, although I’m not sure John McCain would have been a lot better. Since he was elected, he has spent more money than there IS. More than all previous presidents PUT TOGETHER. He has made countless “regulations”that have made it a lot harder to start, OR run a business. Everything we do today requires PERMISSION from a nameless, faceless bureaucrat. Permission to do things that should not require “permission” from anybody. One day soon, I will need a "permit" to write a blog like this, and the government will control what I may say in it. That's the day I shut it down. The Golden Gate Bridge couldn’t be built today because nobody could afford to wade through all the “red tape” required to install ONE girder. The cost to build it would be TEN TIMES what it cost originally. Obama and the rest of the liberals are the CAUSE of the “loss of incentive” in this country (that's a SYMPTOM of socialism) and Obama has the GALL to bemoan its loss. (The Weekly Standard)


Anonymous said...

Obama is such a dork. He needs to be impeached.

Have you heard about th book, "Where's the Birth Certificate"? I hear it is well resarched.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: It's too late for that. He can fight "tooth and nail" until the election and delay, delay, while ridiculing the "birthers." The best option is simply firing him in 2012.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I suppose it is too late to impeach him this close to the elections. Why haven't the Republicans been working on doing that long before now? I really wonder if Republicans have "any".

So have you heard about the book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?"?

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Republicans don't want to be ridiculed and called "birthers." Yes, I've heard about the book. But like I said, it's way too late for that to have an effect.