Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Big Brother" is Watching YOU!

Obama has started a new web site people can use to spy on each other and report to HIM. Apparently he has appointed himself “Big Brother” to the United States. I seem to remember a similar effort by Adolph Hitler in Germany during the Second World War. It didn’t work then and won’t work now. All it will do is give him some targets he ordinarily wouldn’t even notice so he can “come at them from behind” with something like an IRS “inspection” or an “investigation for terrorism by the DOJ. Nothing will be said about the origin of his notice of these people. His first “victims” are Romney, Perry (the two top Republican candidates to replace him) and Glenn Beck, a radio and TV commentator Obama has said is “unimportant and irrelevant.” Soon there’ll be a TV camera in your television set, watching YOU. Just like in ”1984.” (Glenn Beck)

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