Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Happy to Wear a Burqua"

The performer who can’t seem to figure out what he wants to be called, “Prince,” says Muslim women are “happy to wear a Burqua.” Of COURSE they are. That’s why NOT wearing one will get them beaten in the street, at the very least, b y any passing male. Just ask them. They’ll tell you. And if they say anything else, other Muslims (mostly men) will MURDER them. Do these people really think we believe this bullsh-t? They’re trying pretty hard to convince us Islam is a “peaceful religion,” and if you dare to say anything else, they’ll KILL you. Making a statement like that only illustrates Prince's stupidity. Glenn Beck told a story about a death threat he received from a "peaceful" Muslim. The guy said, "You'd better become a Muslim or I'll behead you myself!" (The Blaze)

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