Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama Destroying the Economy

I’ve said that any number of times and nobody seems to be listening; not anybody who can do anything to stop him, anyway. He is spending us into bankruptcy and Ben Bernanke is helping him do it. Ben is SUPPOSED to be THE expert on finance and the economy, but if he has ever made a right decision on this economy, I must have missed it. Just look at the charts Glenn Beck came up with, using the numbers the government itself released. I’ve seen charts like this in cartoons poking fun at “big business.” The only thing these don’t do is have the line run off the page. But they illustrate graphically how Obama has taken this economy in a radical downward direction with spending whose numbers go almost straight UP. If these charts don’t scare you to death, you’re either insane or brain dead. (Glenn Beck)


Anonymous said...

Frightening charts!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Yup. Now you've seen them are you going to do anything about it?

Anonymous said...

Vote the sum out!

Anonymous said...

That's vote the scum out! (missed the 's')