Saturday, October 9, 2010

He's So Cocky It's Funny

The audacity of Ahmadinijerk amazes me. He’s now saying America wants to learn Iran's nuclear secrets, but he has “cracked down” on his nuclear workers and “put a stop to the spying.” Probably killed a few scapegoats. We’re so far ahead of Iran on nuclear information there is nothing we’d want to know from him. In fact, it’s just the other way around. His people are trying hard to learn OUR “nuclear secrets, with no luck at all. He really thinks people BELIEVE his audacious lies. His “nuclear secrets” are so far behind times it’s funny that he actually thinks we would be interested in spying on him (If true, and that's doubtful). If he ever gets a nuclear device and uses it, his country will quickly become a steaming pile of excrement. He will only have one to use and when he does, he's gone. We have many and the means to deliver them. (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

Re your previous post:
"SUFFERING FOOLS: Why must we suffer fools like Ahmaqdinijerk when he speaks before the United Nations and blasts us? Why do we even let him into our country? People who criticize HIM in HIS country are likely to die soon. Why do we have to listen to his abominable lies? Of course, we still suffer a fool every time Obama opens his mouth, too."

Laughing my ass off!!! That's a good one!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: It's truth.

Anonymous said...

...which is sad.