Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dog and Pony Show

Recently, Obama held a much ballyhooed meeting with businesspeople to which he did not invite the representatives of the biggest business organization there is (National Chamber of Commerce). What purpose is gained by such a meeting? The question he was asking is “how to get business moving again?” Actually, he doesn’t need to ask people that question. The answer is obvious: stop taxing them into oblivion. Reagan and Bush LOWERED the tax base, and both times IMPROVED the business picture while RAISING the “tax take.” In Reagan’s case, it almost DOUBLED the “tax take. It is a proven fact that when you tax an activity, that activity stops or slows down. So all the new taxes Obama is proposing will make the business picture WORSE. If he was really intelligent, he’d realize that. So he’s either dumb, or just evil. (Just common sense)

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