Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bit His Finger Off

An Obama union thug at a California meeting “targeted” the oldest man around and got “in his face,” about an inch away, demanding to know what he thought about the “Obamacare” swindle (my word). When he said he didn’t like it, the guy BIT HIS FINGER OFF. )Of course, this old man "clocked him," which probably scared this huge, burly union thug to death. A bystander found it and took it to the hospital to which they’d taken the old man so they could reattach it (if possible). When he went back, the union thug was still there. But the cops weren’t interested. This was told, on the air, on the Rush Limbaugh program on Friday, September 3, 2009. The liberal news media is saying the old man struck the first blow before the union thug bit his finger off and spit it out. Maybe so. But if I had been him, I would have kicked him in the crotch if he had been in my face like that. I may be an old man, but I still wouldn't take that. (Associated Press)

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