Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Change Its Name

I predicted Obama’s “henchmen” would attempt to silence opposing thought and speech under a different name when Obama claimed he would NOT reinstitute the “fairness doctrine. It has been done with the “Durbin Doctrine”: "During the debate over the unconstitutional bill that would give the District of Columbia a vote in the House of Representatives, Sens. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Dick Durbin (D-IL) each sponsored amendments with major implications for the First Amendment. DeMint’s amendment banned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine which, prior to 1987, was used by the government to stifle free speech on our nation’s airwaves. DeMint’s amendment passed 87-11. Score one for free speech. However, Durbin’s amendment also passed, although by a much narrower 57-41 margin. And what does Durbin’s amendment do? It forces the FCC to 'take actions to encourage and promote diversity in communication media ownership and to ensure that broadcast station licenses are used in the public interest.' In other words, Durbin wants to bring the wonders of government enforced affirmative action to our nation’s airwaves. Sen. James Inhofe warns: 'The revocation of broadcaster licenses [under the Durbin Doctrine] is a real possibility, which at the very least will threaten the willingness of broadcasters to appeal to conservative listeners.' ” So, under a DIFFERENT NAME, (and under the radar) they have accomplished the same thing they wanted to do with the “fairness doctrine” by threatening the station licenses of those stations carrying such as Rush Limbaugh, which THEY define as “not in the public interest.” Of course, Rush will spend every dollar he has to fight it. So they’d better get ready for the biggest fight in history. (Heritage Foundation)

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