Wednesday, February 18, 2009

NY Times Going Broke

Their numbers are the worse we’ve seen since they went public. But they won’t admit the reason why. The fact that they are the “newsletter of the Democrat National Party”, what they publish is the democrat (liberal) line, and people are tired of reading all the liberal drivel they put out. The news media generally is in much the same shape because they also put out liberal drivel in huge bunches and Americans are tired of hearing and reading it. So they’re “voting with their feet,” RUNNING toward the Internet, which carries both sides of every issue. All you have to do is know where to look. I stay away from the liberal blogs and the liberal media sites unless I want an example of liberal stupidity to prove a point. I don’t expect NYT to last much longer, and its owner will have to go into retirement. He doesn’t need to work, and nobody (with any intelligence at all) would want to hire him; unless they’re liberals and they will soon be in trouble, themselves. In Denver, where I live, The Rocky Mountain News is within DAYS of going out of business because of the liberal twaddle THEY put out. The Denver Post continues in business because they’ve contrived to RUN things for both papers and will gain ALL the Rocky’s subscribers and advertisers when it dies. I’ve stopped reading BOTH papers, some time ago. I buy the Rocky for the comic strips, but too many of even THEM are preaching liberal twaddle these days. When the Rocky folds, I’ll read what comics and news I want to read on the net, as I have done for certain ones for some time. (News Busters)

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