Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tracking Bailout Money "Difficult"

Of course it is; how else can you bilk the American people out of billions (trillions?) of dollars without being caught? The “financial meltdown” was originally designed to simply ensure the election of a Democrat president. It was started by Jimmy Carter (Democrat) and a Democrat Congress (a law to FORCE lenders to lend money they KNEW would never be repaid, on pain of law), later strengthened by another Democrat, Bill Clinton, with the agreement of another Democrat Congress, and put into action by yet another Democrat Congress, by “pulling the plug” on their “safety valve,” Fannie and Freddie (who bought up those bad loans). It worked beyond their wildest dreams, and Bush “bit,” by suggesting the $700 billion “bailout” of the financial industry, which has now become a bailout of the entire business world. What do they gain? Support from those “evil corporations” they pretend to detest, as well as getting some of that money back, putting it into their own pockets. The money is ‘difficult to trace” because they DESIGNED it that way. Now they’re gaily throwing money around to everybody who supports them, and none who don’t. Bankers did, auto makers didn’t (until they saw they must to get any money). The whole system is designed to keep people from ever finding all the money that has been “thrown around.” (Money News)

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