Sunday, October 26, 2008

Telling the Truth

You can always tell when the McCain camp "hits a sore point" by telling the truth; the Obama camp screeches like a stuck pig. Then they try and force the McCain camp to stop saying that. Obama is probably the ONLY presidential candidate I know of who has been (somewhat) successful in DICTATING how his OPPONENT must run his own campaign, and what that candidate CANNOT say. But he's very lucky in that his opponent is very frightened to "offend" somebody, most of all his opponent. If Obama wins this election and imposes a socialist government upon us, it will be because HE controlled not only his own campaign, but also that of his opponent. Now he's trying to control the press. Joe Biden was so surprised at the REAL question asked by a Florida news anchor he asked if it was a joke. Then he flat-out LIED in his answer and cried to Obama, who "froze out" this station for future interviews and demanded the FCC "punish" this station and its anchor for having the temerity to ask a REAL question of his VP candidate. (Just common sense)

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