Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Will We EVER Learn?

Out of nowhere comes . . .Obama. Nobody knows what he stands for, except a few of us who pay attention. The same thing happened when another man "appeared from nowhere" promising "bread and circuses" with someone else's money and was elected president. Nobody ever asked this man what all this was going to cost, and who got to pay. This man was one of the worst presidents EVER, from the view of people who like freedom, smaller government, and lower taxes. His presidency was an utter failure, from our perspective. But he is STILL being seen as "the best president ever" by ignorant liberals (mostly Democrats), who LIKE socialists. His name was Bill Clinton and he was IMPEACHED, not for sleeping around, but for lying to Congress. Unfortunately, he "knew where the bodies were buried (probably buried a few himself)" and wasn't convicted, So he remained in office to the end of his term, to our detriment, and committed even more crimes, for which he was never prosecuted. He was "the Messiah" of his time. Do we need another? (Just common sense)

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