Friday, May 30, 2008

Maxine Waters "Steps in It"

She told the truth about Democrat plans in public. She flat told the oil executives that they intend to "socialize (nationalize)" the oil companies so the government can continue screwing up the oil business. She blames the oil companies for the Congress-created oil supply crisis, and no amount of "common sense" will change her mind. As with all liberals, it's already made up. It seems funny to me that "nationalizing" the oil industry in order to "solve" the problem when it was the policies of Congress (allowing the environmental crazies to block ALL petroleum refinery building in the nation for more than 30 years while disallowing the hunt for oil in this country altogether, FORCING us to rely on foreign oil and prices to go up astronomically) that created the problem in the first place. Why do people who aspire to the highest office in the land NOT understand this while a guy like me can? I'm not a "hifalutin' politician," but if I can see this, why can't they? (Rush Limbaugh)

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