Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dems Emphasize American Deaths in Iraq

They don't care if the Islamic terrorists are "freed up" to come here and kill Americans. They just want to "end the war in Iraq." How long have we been in Germany and Europe? How about other places in the world where were once at war? We aren't "at war" in Iraq now, we're just "cleaning up" after a very short war in which we won in a few weeks. How LOW can they GO? I don't think there is a place too low for the Democrats to go to con us into voting them into office. No lie is too big, no scam is too elaborate for them to use to con us into keeping them in office so they can gain more and more control over what all of us do, every day. That is their goal; power. There's nothing they won't do to gain or keep it. They insult our intelligence every day. They think we're stupid. But actually, most of us are just ignorant. Ignorant because so many of us "pay no attention to politics" until a few months before an election when the lies are flying from both sides. They don't keep track of what their candidates are DOING every day to limit their rights and get their PERMISSION to do it! I'm tired of it. (News Max)

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