Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Screw Jesus!"

Well, that's the "cleaned up version" of what CNN "anchorbabe" Dana Jacobson blurted out while reportedly drunk at a celebrity roast " Did it make you mad to see that title? It would me. I didn't say it. It's a quote. "Catholic League president Bill Donohue said he pressed ESPN on the issue and received an e-mail with an unsatisfactory statement by Jacobson. The statement said, in part, 'My remarks about Notre Dame [Notre Dame? -RT] were foolish and insensitive. I respect all religions and did not mean anything derogatory by my poorly chosen words.' " But she did mean it. You don't blurt out such words at such a gathering if you don't mean it, especially if you're (reportedly) drunk and your inhibitions are lowered. If Catholic League and other religious organizations hadn't raised a bunch of hell about it, CNN wouldn't have done anything about it because from what I've seen, they feel the same. This kind of thing is the inevitable result of the liberal attempt to destroy religion unless it comes from the "religious left." (World Net Daily)

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