Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Entrenched Liberals

John Bolton
One of the problems we have with our form of government is the "entrenched liberals" who don't care who is in the White House or in the majority in Congress. They've been there since before the current crop of politicians came in, and will be there long after they are gone. We need to have a system whereby the president can fire all of them when he takes power and install his own people in critical positions so he doesn't have to fight their continued efforts to stop him (the president) from accomplishing anything. I'm really getting tired of watching Bush try and try to do things, only to fail because of the "entrenched bureaucracy" he can't get rid of. I know that would force him to have a "long list" of people to put into sensitive positions, and the liberal politicians would be fighting him all the way, especially on positions requiring their "advice and consent." I know this would work the other way, too, but since there are no "entrenched conservatives" in our government (to speak of), maybe we can create some. They stopped the approval of one of the best politicians to come along in a long time, John Bolton, from being approved for the post of Ambassador to the United Nations, so Bush had to give him a "recess appointment" that didn't last long. Now he's unemployed, but if Republicans get enough power in the next administration (a long shot) he should be appointed Secretary of State and Condi elevated to vice-president. (News Max, 12/25/07)

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